about us

Our club

The association pursues charitable purposes. The purpose of the association is to promote development cooperation in connection with the pursuit of charitable purposes. The specific goal is the structural rehabilitation of a hospital complex in Cameroon that is currently lying idle, as well as further support for the start and later management of hospital operations through financial, personnel and material help (donations in kind such as medical equipment, medical supplies, help with the expansion of the hospital complex, Financing and organization of nursing and nursing schools, etc.).

Our goals:

Millions of people around the world have no chance of ever receiving good medical care because of their poverty. Many of them are forced to resort to traditional healing methods because they cannot afford hospitalization.

How much we would like to help everyone, but we want to do our best and be able to provide medical care to as many people in Africa as possible.

We can't do it alone, become a part of the dream and help us save lives!!
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